Ramón Santiago's Painting Styles

Over the past 30 years, Ramón Santiago developed several styles of painting. Each style, it seems, has its own identity. The following remarks are made in the interest of helping curators, collectors, devotees and critics better understand Santiago's styles and place them into context. What we have as a result of these explorations is a confirmation of his artistic mastery and range. For one to discuss Santiago's work with any degree of authority, familiarity with these styles is pertinent. Additionally, if one is contemplating a purchase, then knowledge of Santiago's various styles would be helpful to reaching a selection, and bring added meaningfulness to the acquisition.

Styles of Work:

  1. Surreal; characterized by integrating life-like and creature-like subject matter in a fictional setting. Also overlapping figures.

    Treatment: Typically painted with a monochromatic palette,
    outlined thin oil on canvas

    Examples: Big Red, Carousel Ride

  2. Stylized Reality; characterized by commercial appeal, illustrative in subject matter

    Treatment: Typically painted using flat colors with some modeling to create roundness of form

    Examples: Sabrina

  3. Expressionistic Reality; characterized by painterly strokes to bring out the image, expressionistic stroke

    Treatment: Painterly; drawn with the brush, enabling forms to emerge where colors come together

    Examples: Marilyn

  4. Post Modern Impressionism; characterized by colorful interpretations of life and natural surroundings, having the look or feel of post modem impressionism

    Treatment: Generally colorful expressions, painterly in an impressionistic manner

    Examples: Christopher's Flower

  5. Absurd Reality; characterized by comedic figures, dadaism, deconstructivisim, and new wave Influences

    Treatment: Combination of painterly brush strokes and controlled lines creating slices that are later filled in and over painted

    Examples: Fat Boys Day at the Beach, Smoking Cat